Under a voluntary program which began in November 2007, manufacturers of OTC oral pediatric cough and cold medicines should take the following steps in the labeling, packaging, and promotion of these medicines.
The Standardized Information on Dietary Ingredients (SIDITM) Protocol is intended to serve as a standardized format that can be used consistently across the dietary supplement industry.
As a direct result of the PROTECT initiative, CHPA developed a voluntary guideline for industry suggesting ways to standardize volumetric measures in dosing directions and dosing devices for oral pediatric liquid drug products.
This white paper provides guidance for the evaluation and reporting of impurities in OTC monograph drug products formulated as topicals and topical rinses. This document serves as CHPA's member company consensus on this complex issue.
Manufacturers have developed an anti-smurfing educational program for the retail setting that is voluntary and offered to retailers at no cost. The intent is to educate potential illegal purchasers about related criminal penalties and how the real-time, stop-sale system works.
Members of CHPA which market dietary supplements formally initiated a voluntary labeling program on March 22, 2000 which relates to the use of the following label statement on dietary supplement products.
Members of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association who market dietary supplements containing St. John's wort initiated a voluntary labeling program on April 2, 2000.
CHPA members agree voluntarily to take appropriate steps to assure that the following raw materials have not been substituted in whole or in part with known toxic adulterants,
CHPA members marketing caffeine-containing dietary supplements agree to adopt these voluntary guidelines addressing labeling, packaging, and promotion to ensure safe and responsible use of these products.