Labeling OTC Medications in the States

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When it comes to over-the-counter medicines and healthcare products, consistent labeling across the country is crucial for consumer safety. Keeping labeling standards for ingredients, dosages, and health information federally regulated helps ensure that vital data is communicated clearly and accurately to people nationwide.

The Issue

Some states and localities are considering implementing additional labeling rules for over-the-counter medications.

CHPA’s Position

Having individual states impose distinct labeling rules would create confusion around critical health details printed on packaging. It may also increase production costs for manufacturers, with expenses ultimately passed to consumers. Most importantly, conflicting state-level guidelines could leave Americans vulnerable to unintentionally misusing medicines based on inadequate or ambiguous localized labeling practices. Americans expect and deserve consistent healthcare product labeling, no matter what state they buy or use the items in. It is in every citizen's best interest for the federal government to retain authority over safety labeling standards. Centralized regulation removes variability and guarantees the reliability of health data listed on consumer product packaging from coast to coast.

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