OTC Distribution

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Since mid-November 2022, CHPA's messages about the supply of children's pain-relief and fever-reducing medicines have appeared in over 1,400 news stories.

Dec 21, 2022

Manufacturers continue operating at maximum capacity to replenish children’s pain and fever reducers to meet current extraordinary demand. While there is not a widespread shortage and our member companies are continuously shipping out products to retailers to replenish supply as quickly as possible, we recognize that limited products on store shelves is frustrating for parents and caregivers.

Dec 21, 2022

The authority to sell nonprescription drugs in vending machines is determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state by state specific legislation, and sanctioned state regulatory bodies.

Dec 1, 2020

Find information about the classes of drugs available in the United States and how uniformity is enforced across state lines.

The success of healthcare vending indicates many consumers welcome the affordability and around-the-clock availability these machines provide. As the trend accelerates, people across socioeconomic backgrounds are empowered to conveniently tend to their healthcare needs.

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