FDA announced a reopening of the administrative record for the rulemaking for OTC laxative drug products. CHPA sees this as an appropriate time to get clarification on an allowable statement of identity for OTC laxative drug products that contain fiber.
On behalf of member companies who manufacture and distribute dietary supplement products, CHPA requests an extension of the comment period on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Food Labeling for Health Claims and Dietary Guidance.
CHPA wishes to draw attention to the restrictive environment on where nonprescription medicines can be sold in Japan as a barrier to market entry for such products.
The following comments are submitted by the Joint Oral Care Task Group of CHPA and the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association with respect to the establishment of a Monograph for OTC Antigingivitis/Antiplaque Drug Products.
The CHPA External Analgesics Task Group submits these comments in response to FDA's reopening of the administrative record for the OTC external analgesics rulemaking and the agency's proposal to amend the tentative final monograph for external analgesics.
CHPA welcomes the underlying rationale for the proposed rule, including the move by the FDA towards global harmonization of safety reporting requirements in alignment with the EU and Japan.
Comments on the U.S. government’s position concerning draft vitamin and mineral supplement guidelines before the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses.
This Citizen Petition requests the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to take the following action with respect to the Final Monograph for OTC Sunscreen Drug Products.
CHPA supports rules governing the regulation of dietary supplements as a special type of food. The association has long advocated Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements.