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As noted in our prior comments, CHPA does not believe that the Beneficial Nutrients Regulatory Concept is necessary or supportive of the intent of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

Jan 12, 2009

The objective of this study is to outline and quantify the benefits of OTC heartburn therapy for consumers and the healthcare system in the context of treatment satisfaction and cost savings.

Dec 7, 2008

Position of the CHPA Pediatric Task Force on cough and cold medicines for pediatric use.

Dec 2, 2008

These comments are submitted on behalf of CRN and CHPA in response to the FDA Notice and Request for Comments on the implementation of section 301(ll) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Nov 25, 2008

The Structured Product Labeling OTC sub-team appreciates the opportunity to comment on the collection of information pertaining to the July 2008 Draft Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format – Drug Establishment Registration and Drug Listing.

Nov 24, 2008

The undersigned trade associations are writing to request that the Commission exercise enforcement discretion with respect to the new general conformity certification requirement imposed by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CSPIA).

Oct 29, 2008

The Consumer Healthcare Products Association, Council for Responsible Nutrition, and Natural Products Association submit this response to the request for relevant information on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of caffeine.

Oct 27, 2008

Comments concerning abuse potential, actual abuse, medical usefulness, trafficking, and impact of scheduling changes on availability for medical use of ten drug substances.

Oct 20, 2008

The following comments represent a consolidated set of comments from organizations that have decided to form an Industry Coalition for Rational Implementation of USP <467> to express industry’s concerns with FDA’s implementation of <467>.

Oct 6, 2008

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