Enclosed herein are comments on "Guidance for Industry; Sunscreen Innovation Act: Withdrawal of a 586A Request or Pending Request", published as Draft Guidance.
Enclosed herein are comments on "Guidance for Industry; Nonprescription Sunscreen Drug Products - Content and Format of Data Submissions to Support a GRASE determination Under the Sunscreen Innovation Act."
CHPA appreciates the opportunity to provide information on features to add and potential functionality improvements to make the Dietary Supplement Label Database a more useful tool for regulators, consumers, and other users of the database.
CHPA supports improving the compendial test methods and establishing product standards for the variety of dosage forms, which can provide an additional measure of safety for OTC products.
CRN, CHPA, and their member companies are concerned with and offer the following comments to the proposed revisions to the USP-NF General Chapter <467> on Residual Solvents.
Our member companies support the concept that well-designed metrics are critical in driving and measuring continuous improvement activities in both quality systems and improving manufacturing processes.