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Though rising PFAS levels prompt important health questions that must be monitored, restrictions should remain grounded in conclusive toxicology to avoid reactionary bans on safe modern alternatives — as inconsistent standards across 50 individual states would only stifle healthcare advancement.

CHPA is committed to advancing solutions to illegal sales that penalize criminals and ensure law-abiding consumers continue to have access to a wide range of treatment options, including nonprescription medicines containing PSE.

FDA Announcement of a proposed safety-based Administrative Order to update the pregnancy warning labeling for NSAID-containing drug products.

The bipartisan federal Combat Meth Epidemic Act strikes the proper policy balance between restricting pseudoephedrine access for illicit use without unduly burdening consumers seeking safe, effective cold relief. Therefore, state legislators should refrain from overriding federal guidelines requiring prescriptions for these legitimate over-the-counter medications.

Find information about standards and regulations for OTC drug advertising in the United States.

Industry Self-Regulation for Dietary Supplements

This document serves as a guideline for the preparation by suppliers and appropriate use by their customers of a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for Dietary Supplement Components.

Given that prescription medications filled at pharmacies are universally exempt from sales tax, over-the-counter drugs merit the same tax-free status.

Informed Consumer Decision Making

Members of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association who market dietary supplements containing St. John's wort initiated a voluntary labeling program on April 2, 2000.

Explore our list of resources to learn more about the dietary supplement category and how it is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission.

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