OTC Medicines

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Given pharmacists' drug knowledge and public accessibility, states are exploring expanding their scope of practice permanently after the pandemic emergency measures expire. Empowering pharmacists to dispense products like oral contraceptives, and other consumer healthcare products could improve access and outcomes.

The noteworthy "Flag the Label" program has been adopted by members of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association to aid in alerting consumers to significant changes in nonprescription medicines.

This proposed Safety Administrative Order (AO) is only for the single ingredient propylhexedrine.

Providing coverage for clinically-validated, over-the-counter products capable of preventing complications or replacing higher cost prescriptions through flexible spending arrangements aligns with value-based models working to improve access and outcomes across populations.

The objective of this guideline is to define the minimum stability data package to support the commercial distribution of OTC monograph drug products in the United States per climatic zone.

Having individual states impose distinct labeling rules would create confusion around critical health details printed on packaging.

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