Enclosed herein are comments on "Guidance for Industry; Nonprescription Sunscreen Drug Products - Content and Format of Data Submissions to Support a GRASE determination Under the Sunscreen Innovation Act."
CHPA supports improving the compendial test methods and establishing product standards for the variety of dosage forms, which can provide an additional measure of safety for OTC products.
CHPA appreciates the opportunity to provide information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of the potential developmental neurotoxicity of fluoride.
CHPA expresses its gratitude to New Jersey's governor, senator, and assembly members for shepherding the bill through the legislature. CHPA has long supported state efforts to curb teen OTC cough medicine abuse.
CHPA is pleased to lend its strong support for the DXM Abuse Prevention Act of 2015 (H.R. 3250), introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by U.S. Reps. Bill Johnson (R-OH) and Doris Matsui (D-CA).
CHPA highlights the results of a recent five-state survey from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, which found that consumers on the whole, prefer full access to OTC medicine containing pseudoephedrine.