Medical devices are sold over-the-counter (OTC) at non-specialty retail locations including drug stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. They have established safety profiles and are for use by consumers in non-clinical environments. Generally, no training is necessary to use a medical device. Manufacturers rely on labeling, design, and consumer familiarity to ensure safe and effective use. Most medical devices are not subject to FDA’s premarket review requirements.
Enclosed herein are comments on "510(k) Device Modifications: Deciding When to Submit a 510(k) for a Change to an Existing Device: Public Meeting: Request for Comments".
CHPA supports FDA's goals of reducing medical errors, simplifying device use information into data systems, identifying devices with adverse events, facilitating recall efficiency, and focusing communication.
Policymakers should encourage – and empower – individuals to take responsibility for their oral health by supporting daily oral health self-care policies that make beneficial oral care products more accessible.
CHPA is the home for responsible members of the consumer healthcare community. We represent leading manufacturers, and the companies that service them, in the area of OTC medicines, dietary supplements, and OTC medical devices.