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Here are the Federal Register notice summary excerpts that might be of interest to you or others within your organization. Please see notices for complete details.

Jul 20, 2022

Here are the Federal Register notice summary excerpts that might be of interest to you or others within your organization. Please see notices for complete details.

Jul 6, 2022

CHPA requests an extension to the “Immediately in Effect Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff: FDA Unique Device Identification: Policy Regarding Compliance Dates for Class I and Unclassified Devices and Certain Devices Requiring Direct Marking,”

Jun 14, 2022

Industry executives from Europe and beyond gathered June 7-8, in Madrid, Spain, for the annual meeting of the Association of the European Self-Care Industry (AESGP), its first annual meeting since 2019. Under the theme “supporting innovation in self-care during times of uncertainty,” speakers focused on the European context of environmental sustainability, trends shaping the future of the consumer healthcare business, and the outlook for changes to the EU’s pharmaceutical framework, among other topics.

Jun 9, 2022

Here are the Federal Register notice summary excerpts that might be of interest to you or others within your organization. Please see notices for complete details.

Jun 8, 2022

Here are the Federal Register notice summary excerpts that might be of interest to you or others within your organization. Please see notices for complete details.

May 25, 2022

CHPA supports efforts to harmonize the current Quality System Regulation with international quality management system requirements. However, CHPA recommends that FDA address several points of concern or clarification when finalizing the Proposed Rule.

May 24, 2022

On this episode of CHPA Chat, we're talking about the explosion in digital health. Not just the watch you may be wearing, but technology that could enable healthcare, and very importantly self-care. Today, we're talking about digital health, what it means for the industry, and what the future holds for this rapidly growing sector.

May 16, 2022

In today's episode, we're discussing a topic that doesn't often get the attention it needs — sexual health. Join Anita Brikman and Bruce Weiss as they explore the state of sexual health in the US today and the role that OTC sexual health products play.

May 2, 2022

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