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These comments are submitted in response to the public meeting of June 26 on evaluating drug names for similarities, which was co-sponsored by the FDA, PhRMA, and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices.

Jul 9, 2003

CHPA seeks clarification concerning FDA’s interpretation of the recordkeeping requirement as applied to packaging manufacturers and distributors.

Jul 7, 2003

CHPA supports the intent of the proposed rule to add a bar code to many medications intended to be dispensed in hospitals. We support the view that this rule will help arm busy healthcare professionals with technology to help avoid medication mistakes.

Jun 11, 2003

The Coalition is pleased that FDA has issued guidance that takes a risk-based approach to compliance. We strongly support this approach as a more realistic and effective way to protect public health.

Apr 28, 2003

CHPA supports efforts to reduce medication errors, including those that encompass errors in information acquisition by the consumer, who is the principal end user of self care products, and by health professionals as well.

Jul 26, 2002

Enclosed for FDA review are final reports on 2-year carcinogenicity studies with topically applied benzoyl peroxide gels in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice submitted by the Benzoyl Peroxide Study Group of CHPA.

Dec 27, 2001

CHPA charged IOM to develop a proposed framework for categorizing and prioritizing DS ingredients based on safety issues, describe a process for developing a system of scientific reviews for evaluating the safety of DS ingredients, and develop at least six scientific reviews as prototypes for the system.

Oct 11, 2001

Oral testimony of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.

Mar 16, 2001

Letter to Charles Ganley, M.D. regarding the agency's determination and comments pertaining to psyllium.

Oct 23, 2000

CHPA submits these written comments in response to FDA’s notice in the Federal Register concerning “Guidance for Industry: Significant Scientific Agreement in the Review of Health Claims for Conventional Foods and Dietary Supplements.”

Feb 22, 2000

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