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Letter to Principal Scientific Liaison, U.S. Pharmacopeia, regarding Proposals for Developing Compendial Quality Standards for OTC Drugs.

Apr 3, 2015

In general, the Part 111 GMP requirements, although similar, are less stringent and tend to be more flexible than the Part 211 GMP requirements.

Mar 4, 2015

Scientific experts familiar with herbal products and their testing methods maintain that the DNA barcode test is not an appropriate method to determine what is in an herbal dietary supplement.

Feb 23, 2015

In principle, CHPA supports an early approval program for proposed proprietary drug names. However, should FDA decide to implement a program, we expect that FDA would publish a draft Guidance for Industry and we would provide further comment based on the criteria.

Oct 27, 2014

Letter to Mr. Brown regarding U.S. Pharmacopeia draft publication, "General Chapter <909> Uniformity of Dose from Oral Suspensions in Multi-Unit Containers."

Sep 30, 2014

CHPA appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the FDA’s draft guidance for industry entitled “Best Practices in Developing Proprietary Names for Drugs”. CHPA members hope the Agency will find the suggested revisions in these comments informative as the final version of the guidance is developed.

Sep 15, 2014

CHPA applauds FDA's efforts to amend labeling regulations for conventional foods and dietary supplements in order to provide updated nutrition information to consumers.

Aug 1, 2014

CHPA strongly supports USP's efforts to address impurity control in drug substances and products. Overall the newly revised chapters provide reasonable guidance and direction for controlling organic impurities.

Jul 31, 2014

These comments are primarily focused on the use of Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography as the method of choice for assay and organic impurities.

Jul 24, 2014

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