CHPA Statement on Approval of FDA’s Reorganization Efforts to Establish a Unified Human Foods Program

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Washington, D.C. – The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) today released the below statement following the announcement that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its reorganization efforts involving the creation of a unified Human Foods Program (HFP), adoption of a new model for its field operations, and other significant modernization efforts:  “CHPA congratulates FDA for reaching this milestone today and thanks FDA and Deputy Commissioner Jones for taking the time to engage with CHPA throughout the reorganization process. CHPA will continue to reiterate the importance of ensuring the dietary supplements category receives appropriate attention, authority, and resources within the FDA, and hopes this reorganization will increase the Agency’s operational agility so that it can more quickly respond to the evolving industries it regulates. We look forward to staying involved with FDA through the official implementation of the reorganization and beyond.”

The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), founded in 1881, is the national trade association representing the leading manufacturers and marketers of consumer healthcare products, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, dietary supplements, and consumer medical devices. CHPA is committed to empowering self-care by ensuring that Americans have access to products they can count on to be reliable, affordable, and convenient, while also delivering new and better ways to get and stay healthy. Visit