DXM (dextromethorphan)

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Washington, D.C. – The annual Monitoring the Future survey (MTF), conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), shows that the percentage of adolescents reporting any substance use in 2023 continues to “hold steady” and remains below pre-pandemic levels, including abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) cough & cold medicines.

Dec 15, 2023

The annual Monitoring the Future survey, conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), shows that the percentage of adolescents reporting substance use in 2022 “held steady” following significant overall declines in 2021. This year’s findings are particularly meaningful following historic declines last year, especially since most teens returned to school, to extracurricular activities, and to other social engagements in 2022 after nearly two years of social distancing.

Dec 16, 2022

The annual Monitoring the Future survey measures teenage drug and alcohol use nationwide among students. Results from the 2021 research show that overall rates of drug and alcohol abuse saw the largest one-year decline since the survey began in 1975.

Dec 16, 2021

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law HB 9, prohibiting the sale of DXM-containing products to minors.

Jul 1, 2021

CHPA, in partnership with its members and state legislatures, takes decisive action to combat teen abuse of dextromethorphan.

Jul 1, 2021

The results of the 2020 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future survey shows more teens reported using OTC cough medicine containing DXM to get high than in 2019.

Dec 15, 2020

List of laws by state summarizing sales restrictions of dextromethorphan to minors.

Dec 1, 2020

There is currently no clinical data indicating that dextromethorphan has a pro-viral effect in people with COVID-19 infection. The study results published in Nature are experimental, preliminary, and not conclusive.

May 6, 2020

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