Dietary Supplements

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The four leading trade associations representing the dietary supplement industry are concerned that some marketers of dietary supplements may be promoting them with claims of prevention or treatment of Coronavirus.

Feb 11, 2020

CHPA today applauds the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for enforcing existing provisions in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by sending warning letters to 15 companies illegally marketing cannabidiol products.

Nov 26, 2019

CHPA submitted this citizen petition to address the definition of a dietary supplement under section 201(ff) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and to request that FDA establishes a regulatory pathway to legally market dietary supplements containing CBD.

Nov 14, 2019

Today CHPA submitted a citizen petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging the agency to exercise its existing statutory authority to swiftly issue regulations that establish a clear pathway for manufacturers to lawfully market cannabidiol in dietary supplements. 

Nov 14, 2019

This week, the four leading trade associations representing the U.S. dietary supplement industry joined forces to urge Congress to take action to ensure consumer safety and provide legal clarity in the CBD product marketplace.

Oct 9, 2019

Modernizing food and dietary supplement labels is in the best interest of consumers and industry alike. Supplement facts labels serve as a trusted source of information and provide a consistent way to comprehend nutrient content.

Jul 22, 2019

As many dietary supplement products are being marketed as containing cannabidiol (CBD), CHPA has an interest in this subject and we presented oral comments at FDA’s May 31, 2019, public hearing. These written comments supplement our oral remarks.

Jul 16, 2019

Herein, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association provides feedback on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) request for comments on Responsible Innovation on Dietary Supplements.

Jul 15, 2019

CHPA supports efforts to encourage FDA to develop a legal path for CBD as a new dietary ingredient. Hemp oil is already an appropriate dietary ingredient.

Mar 18, 2019

CHPA has reviewed the findings of the meeting of the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. CHPA agrees with the Committee's recommendations.

Mar 14, 2019

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